What to Except

• You will work 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday. You should consider NSURE to be your full-time job this summer.
– You will spend 8-10 hours preparing for and attending professional development workshops, journal clubs, and lab meetings.
– You will spend 30-32 hours doing neuroscience research in collaboration with your mentors.
– Your daily schedule (for example, 9 am – 6 pm with an hour for lunch) will be worked out in collaboration with your mentors. If you find that you don’t have enough to do, be proactive and ask your mentors for additional work, or propose additional work you would like to do that relates to your research project.
• You will have Memorial Day and Fourth of July off. Generally, NSURE fellows only take these two holidays off. If you need to take another day off for a required event, such as a family wedding, please make arrangements with Jim Lauderdale.
– Please note: If you are taking an online class this summer, any work you do for your online class must be done after work hours in the evenings or on the weekend.
• You will have the chance to interact with other REU students at UGA for the summer
– There are several other REU programs at UGA: UBERV2 , PopBio, NanoBio, Fungal Genetics, SUNFIG, and Crop Genetics.
– Many of the REU students are housed in the Mary Lyndon dorm with you.
– We will have a 4th of July party, a poster session and a closing luncheon with all REU programs.
• You will have the chance to interact with neuroscience researchers across campus
– Through professional development workshops, journal clubs, and seminars.
– We will expose you to a variety of ways of thinking about and approaching neuroscience research.
• You will have the chance to participate in social events through the summer
– There will be a neuroscience welcome dinner on May 28th.
– We will also plan additional optional social events for you this summer.
We are delighted to have you here this summer!