
The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Neuroscience is made possible in large part through an R25 Diversity Training Grant from the National Institutes of Health. However, needs are still present––particularly as they relate to student support. We are currently looking for opportunities which help our researchers and students better address issues related to brain development and functioning. This necessitates a multifaceted approach which includes: developing a more diverse student body, enabling us to address challenges in novel and unexpected ways, connecting current students with industry experts for mentorship opportunities, and engaging corporate partners. For more information regarding ways you can participate, give, and learn, please contact us directly.
Thank you for your consideration of support!
The Neuroscience Diversity Fund is our most dynamic resource for supporting this program and its corresponding graduate diversity initiative. Gifts to this fund help us attract and retain outstanding neuroscience talent from underrepresented groups. Such generosity goes directly toward those students and their academic endeavors as they relate to stipends, assistantships, research equipment, and conference travel.
Prepare a student for success by bridging the gap between their college career and the professional world. The Neuroscience Program at UGA is eager to engage industry leaders who are interested in sharing their expertise with our students. Whether it is through a panal discussion, mentorship, or internship (or other employment opportunity), we welcome industry representatives keen on engaging and networking with our students. For more information, please contact us directly.